
How Far Is Vancouver To Los Angeles

The driving distance from Vancouver, British Columbia to Los Angeles, California is:

1,275 miles / 2 052 km

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Map of driving directions from Vancouver, Canada to Los Angeles, CA

View a map with driving directions using your preferred map provider: Google Maps, Bing Maps, or MapQuest. You lot can employ to get the full driving distance from Vancouver to Los Angeles with directions.

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Driving altitude from Vancouver, Canada to Los Angeles, CA

The total driving altitude from Vancouver, Canada to Los Angeles, CA is 1,275 miles or 2 052 kilometers.

Your trip begins in Vancouver, Canada. Information technology ends in Los Angeles, California.

If you are planning a route trip, yous might as well want to calculate the total driving fourth dimension from Vancouver, Canada to Los Angeles, CA then you can see when yous'll make it at your destination.

You tin also calculate the toll of driving from Vancouver, Canada to Los Angeles, CA based on electric current local fuel prices and an estimate of your auto's best gas mileage.

Since this is a long drive, you might want to stop halfway and stay overnight in a hotel. Y'all can find the city that is halfway between Vancouver, Canada and Los Angeles, CA.

Planning to wing a airplane instead? You lot might be more interested in calculating the straight line altitude to fly from Vancouver, Canada to Los Angeles, CA.

Driving from Vancouver to Los Angeles is not only an epic feel. It will take y'all to one of the most scenic route trips in North America. I-five is the shortest and fastest route merely if yous are looking to combine a few scenic routes here is one suggested route:

Drive on I-5 to Seattle and follow I-30W (Columbia River Highway) to Astoria, the oldest American town w of the Rockies. Located on Oregon's North Declension where the Columbia River meets the Pacific Body of water, Astoria was founded 200 years ago as an important fishery and timber industry center of Oregon. Today it is known equally "picayune San Francisco" – the historical and cultural center of Oregon.

From Astoria, take the Pacific Coast Breathtaking Byway on Usa-101S (Oregon Coast Highway) and check out the natural landmarks like the seaside cliffs, agricultural valleys and farmlands, marsh, dunes and unique stone formations, rainforests, spruce and fir forests. This road will accept you all the way down to Brookings, which is almost v miles from the redwood forests of California.

You tin can either go on with the breathtaking coastal route to San Francisco or take a faster route from Brookings to Los Angeles CA.

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Driving distance calculator

Travelmath helps you find driving distances based on actual directions for your route trip. You tin get the distance between cities, airports, states, countries, or nix codes to figure out the all-time route to travel to your destination. Combine this data with the fuel cost tool to find out how much it will price you to drive the distance, or compare the results to the straight line altitude to make up one's mind whether it'south amend to drive or fly. Y'all can print out pages with a travel map.


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